
Learn to Shoot
5 week coarse at 2 hours a pop or the old way per session
cost $390 starts tuesday the 28th at 6.30pm
week 1 : how a camera works, shutter speeds, aperatures, white balances, lenses, megapixels, functions on your camera and anything else you can think of. how they all effect each other and how they effect your photography.
week 2 & 3: you ask me what you want to know and I will explain in great detail. when I first started photography I did some short coarses and the teacher taught the class what they knew but didnt answer most of my queries. so this is very much about picking my brains so you learn what you want to know.
week 4: lets shoot on a location and use what you have learnt and I will help you achieve a great result.
week 5: bring in your photos and lets have a good look and see how we can improve or better your skills, constructive cristism.
then your off to shoot like a pro.
call me on the number below to book or answer any more Q's